Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Narcissist-Gaslighter Combo

Whatever one thinks of the current US President's policies, I am one of many who, for several years now, sees DJT as a narcissist-gaslighter (in combination and in the extreme). Having dealt with narcissist-gaslighter types before, I have learned the hard way that I have needed instruction and help to sift through the constant truth-twisting and manipulation that such people spew out. One simple and clear article is here:

Coping is not easy. One technique is to ignore, like a "black rock." However, when there are widespread implications--e.g., regarding Ukraine or numerous aid projects worldwide--simply ignoring in silence becomes difficult without at least saying something to assist others who may not have had the awful, disconcerting experience of dealing with someone like this.

If you choose to post a critical or disagreeing comment, I request that you not simply refocus your attack or assign blame elsewhere, e.g., to the media. For anyone--again, this is coming from one among many who has painfully learned how destructive narcissists-gaslighters can be--I am once again offering this warning about how DJT operates.

Kyrie eleison.


  1. It sounds like you questioning the wisdom of "speaking truth to power". If so, I agree. That was the OT prophetic strategy, culminating in John the Baptist.

    Jesus didn't do that to the political powers, and he taught a different approach--"wise as serpents, harmless as doves." Serpents and doves don't speak truth to power.

    If the power is a narcissist-gaslighter, we do not throw our pearls before that swine, lest the pearls get trampled and the pig comes after us. We pick our battles like Jesus did.

    This is not lack of courage. We may still have to lay down our lives, but it will be for the right reason. If Jesus had spoken truth to Herod like John did, he would have been killed for the wrong reason. So he chose not to speak up in that case.

    The current situation requires a serious rethink of the times when "prophetic witness" is appropriate and when the Spirit leads us to a different strategy, equally faithful.

  2. Your wallpaper art reflects how we (and the depicted Egyptian martyrs) will receive crowns, and this is in contrast to the pursuit of crowns or the self-coronation that we might encounter or be tempted by.
