Monday, March 17, 2025

Christ's Kingdom and autocracy

The nascent but real US-Trump autocracy–self-promoting, self-serving, deceitful, violent, and heartless as it is–presents the worldwide Christian movement with new opportunities and challenges. One is to realize afresh that Christ’s international kingdom is not dependent on, and certainly not equivalent to, any kingdom of this world. The Apostle Paul’s declaration in Romans 8 rings true for Jesus’s followers in all contexts across the generations and around the world:

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written,

“For your sake we are being killed all the day long;

    we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Sudden and devastating USAID cuts neither cut off heretofore beneficiaries around the world from God’s love nor hinder Christ’s kingdom from pressing forward in service. That part of Christ’s kingdom in the US–be they among immigrants/refugees who are under new threats of deportation or citizens who grieve the autocratic power that President Trump has been granted by his enablers (and that he continues systematically to seize and exercise)–has the new opportunity to trust ultimately not in some idealized “America” but in God’s prevailing mercy and love. That majority part of Christ’s kingdom outside the US–including those in countries either threatened to be annexed by the US or suddenly stiff-armed by a heretofore reliable friend–has the new opportunity to realize that the USA, with its brazen claims of “greatness,” is not Christ’s kingdom per se but one among many self-serving nation-states under God’s rule, and one that bears particular responsibility for the vast economic and military power that it wields.

Another opportunity and challenge is to live out MIcah 6:8: “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.“ For its part, the US-Trump autocracy conveys distortions, power, wealth, disregard for the environment, and vengeance on its opponents (and on its dissenters and increasingly even those who raise questions). It labels political opponents as “Marxist” or “pathetic.” It bars select news media from covering the President’s briefings, or cuts off federal funding from media and universities, labeling most all of them as “leftist,” “rogue,” or “anti-Trump.” POTUS openly exhibits a conflict of interest by conducting a sales event for Tesla with Elon Musk on the White House lawn. Without due process, the autocracy targets, arrests, and threatens to deport select green card holders. Christ’s followers have fresh opportunities to stand for justice, to show kindness, and exhibit humility indiscriminately–toward strangers, government officials, political opponents, those in need of food-shelter-health care, and others.

Living at odds with certain prevailing values is inherently part of belonging to Christ’s kingdom in this still fallen world. For that part of Christ’s kingdom in the US, living under a self-promoting, self-serving, deceitful, violent, and heartless autocracy presents new challenges and opportunities. Faith, hope, and love remain. God is good, all the time. Kyrie eleison.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

More International Input

This time an opinion piece in the Financial Times in the UK (published on Feb 25--three days before the now infamous Zelensky-Trump (and Vance) White House meeting): - "The US is now the enemy of the west: Washington has decided to abandon both Ukraine and its postwar role in the world," by 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

From "Bruce Barron's Provocative Thoughts" Newsletter (March 1): "The Risks of Appeasing Trump"


How should political and Christian leaders respond as a US president unhinges the world order?

“I lift my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” —Psalm 121:1–2

Should Volodymyr Zelensky, desperate for military support after three years of Ukraine’s heroic resistance against Russian aggression, grovel and beg for mercy from Donald Trump?

I hope he does not.

I have watched video of Trump vs. Zelensky and have studied the transcript. I find nothing in Zelensky’s words or behavior that could conceivably justify Trump and Vance’s tag-team berating. Accordingly, I believe that the attack was premeditated. Vance’s bizarre use of the word “litigated” in responding to Zelensky’s reasonable expression of concern about Vladimir Putin’s reliability suggests that he was ready to pounce if Zelensky displayed even a moment of anything other than abject submission.

Equally shameful were the Republicans, including secretary of state Marco Rubio—former Trump critic and now dutiful Trump sycophant—who thanked Trump for “standing up for America.” I cannot grasp what Trump and Vance stood up for, unless it was the right to Ukrainian minerals or to require non-superpowers to say “thank you” for US aid every few minutes.

There is ample evidence that Trump values money, power, and being the center of world attention and very little evidence that he values public service. Note his comment at the end of yesterday’s ugly episode: “This will make great television.”

Trump seems to have brought his transactional mindset into the White House, as if the goal of running a country is to amass money and power.

I grant that in our world order of nation-states, each country’s government should represent its own interests. Moreover, mature Christian friends in the US cite their experience of corruption and inefficiency in foreign aid, along with government spending, immigration, religious freedom, and progressive ideology, as reasons why they still prefer Trump to Democratic Party leadership.

So if you’re a US reader who still wants Trump to succeed, I understand. Today, I am addressing the rest of the world.

Zelensky and others have cited British prime minister Neville Chamberlain’s 1938 attempt to appease Hitler in urging the world not to give in to Putin. But yesterday’s clash revealed a different risk: that the world will give in to Trump.

Trump has demonstrated a readiness to bully his friends in Canada and Europe. He doesn’t bully his enemies—Russia, China, North Korea—because he has no leverage over them.

Last night, I watched the US Public Broadcasting Service’s news program. I figured I should watch it while I still can. (Amazingly, Trump has not yet cut off federal money for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting—which funds PBS—as conservatives have urged for years. I’m sure it’s coming soon.) Commentator David Brooks said, “What I’ve seen over the last six weeks is the United States behaving vilely to our friends. … Today was the bottom of the barrel. … Donald Trump believes in one thing. He believes that might makes right. And in that, he agrees with Vladimir Putin.”

World leaders, including Christians, must learn one lesson quickly. The US Constitution is famous for its carefully constructed set of checks and balances, grounded in Presbyterian James Madison’s understanding of sin. The Trump administration is seeking to override that system and concentrate unprecedented power in the president.

In response, the remainder of the free world must detach itself from its economic and military reliance on the United States. Otherwise, it is at the mercy of an erratic US president’s decisions.

Similarly, Christian leaders and organizations must learn to live without US aid. Even in better times, it can become a modern form of colonialism, with strings attached to the promotion of US interests. Especially if Western donors increase their private support, there is enough wealth in the world to restore Christians’ former status as the most prominent source of global generosity and thereby advance the gospel.

To facilitate this shift, Majority World Christians must be exemplary in their commitment to financial integrity and accountability, inspiring confidence that the funds they receive will be used well.

Together, we can embrace this dramatic turning point in world history and exhibit that our help comes from the Lord, not from the United States or any other unpredictable source.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Some International Input

I found the following two recent analyses of current US political developments instructive--one a brief interview on YouTube, and one a historical description of the election(s) of DJT as POTUS. I believe each analysis is descriptive more than evaluative--although each suggests that how matters have changed will have lasting implications requiring fundamental adjustments.

"Former M16 boss on Trump, Putin and. 'new era' for international relations" -

"The election shows that Trumpism is here to stay | Chatham House – International Affairs Think Tank" -

Particularly for my international friends, I will add that US society is diverse in many ways, including poltically. While the current POTUS administration has widespread support, not everyone agrees--indeed, many vehemently disagree and are resisting in all peaceful ways at their disposal.

I will also add--as a member of Jesus Christ's international following and as a US citizen--I find many of the maneuvers of the POTUS administration abhorrent and immoral. While I resonate with certain aspects of certain themes as they are put forth (e.g., regarding gender/sexuality, government waste), the sea change in international relations (to strongmen-run real estate/economic transactions) and backtracking on race-related relations (e.g., evident in the firing of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown) are wrong and dangerous.

Thankfully, God rules over all, and the US is but one nation that is only a drop in a bucket before the Lord Almighty.

Kyrie eleison.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Narcissist-Gaslighter Combo

Whatever one thinks of the current US President's policies, I am one of many who, for several years now, sees DJT as a narcissist-gaslighter (in combination and in the extreme). Having dealt with narcissist-gaslighter types before, I have learned the hard way that I have needed instruction and help to sift through the constant truth-twisting and manipulation that such people spew out. One simple and clear article is here:

Coping is not easy. One technique is to ignore, like a "black rock." However, when there are widespread implications--e.g., regarding Ukraine or numerous aid projects worldwide--simply ignoring in silence becomes difficult without at least saying something to assist others who may not have had the awful, disconcerting experience of dealing with someone like this.

If you choose to post a critical or disagreeing comment, I request that you not simply refocus your attack or assign blame elsewhere, e.g., to the media. For anyone--again, this is coming from one among many who has painfully learned how destructive narcissists-gaslighters can be--I am once again offering this warning about how DJT operates.

Kyrie eleison.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Some Casualties of USAID Cuts

 - A newly married young Kenyan in Kibera (densest and second largest slum in the world), one of the most upright people I know and who never asks me for financial assistance, just lost his income due to USAID cuts. With his wife now expecting, they are in dire straits.

- A Christian community in Costa Rica (instigated by good friends James and Ruth Padilla-Deborst) has had to close its doors to many people-at-risk they serve due to the loss of USAID funding.


- etc.

I'm all for purging unnecessary and bloated government programs. I agree with cutting back on some of the USAID activities publicized of late. However, reducing USAID objectives, and hence all activities, from "extend assistance to countries recovering from disaster, trying to escape poverty, and engaging in democratic reforms" ( to--first and foremost--be "in alignment with an America First agenda" ( is, well, "America First."

There has to be a more humane way of enabling USAID to fulfill its mandated objectives.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Navigating Life in "America"

The historical development of “America”: a man’s name > a “discovered” continent > a differentiating location > an imperial shorthand > an expression of devotion > a galvanizing ideal.*

A basic navigating framework I find useful for any setting is that of “Inter-Christianity“ (see August 2017 blogpost). That is, fundamental identity markers for people who are “in Christ” include international, interconfessional, interdisciplinary, intergenerational, and interdependent; markers inherent to those categories include inter-ethnic and inter-class. Living with an “inter-Christian” identity overrides other claims to loyalty and self-identity.

“National” identity seeks to stake a basic claim of loyalty in citizens’ hearts. For those of us who are U.S. citizens, we are regularly admonished to fulfill our various “sacred” duties and to treasure “sacred” rights. After all, the admonitions claim, the “United States of America” is the greatest nation in the history of the world and should thus have the “most lethal fighting force” in the world. Questioning, and certainly opposing, such claims might be theoretically and legally permitted but can be socially, politically, and emotionally cast as blasphemous.

I grew up in the US during the Cold War. I have lived substantial portions of my adult life in various other parts of the world, as well as in various locations within the US. Along with giving shape to living with the above-sketched “inter-Christian” identity, these life experiences have helped to reshape much of what I grew up assuming about “America” and its place in the world.

* Elaborating Sources:

Continental Congress (1777). “Articles of Confederation.” National Archives. 

Federal Convention (1787). “The Constitution of the United States.” National Archives. 

Immerwahr, D. (2019). “When Did the US Start Calling Itself “America,” Anyway?” MotherJones. 

Library of Congress (n.d.). “Recognizing and Naming America: Waldseemüller’s 1507 Map.” 

Lincoln, A. (1863). “A Proclamation.” National Archives. 

Moran, G. (2018). America in the United States and the United States in America. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse.

Representatives of the united States of America (1776). “Declaration of Independence.”  National Archives.