While in the Philippines last week, I rubbed
up against several snippets of World Christianity: Asian Evangelical
mission leaders, Nigerian Pentecostal GOFAMINT missionaries, and Filipina Roman
Catholic Missionary Benedictine Sisters. Spending time with such a tapestry of
active participants in Christian mission was a fresh reminder of how
expressions of Christianity are always both local and universal - “glocal” is
one expression used to express the combination of “local” and “global” - as
well as both concrete and other-worldly.

Attending the 12th Triennial Convention of the Asia Missions Association (AMA) provided the primary impetus for traveling to Manila. The Rev. Dr. David Cho, now 92 and still attending, was the pioneering instigator of the AMA at the time with the Lausanne Movement as a whole began in the early 1970s. Korean leadership, numbers, and finances have continued to provide significant support, but AMA participants are spread throughout South, Southeast, and East Asia - even if the MIddle East, Central Asia, and China were not represented at this particular gathering. (Read more about the AMA here.)

I hope that this
brief report points to the reality that, wherever one looks, specific “glocal”
expressions of World Christianity are present.
**OMSC is the Overseas
Ministries Study Center in New Haven, CT, USA, where I served from June, 2011
until April, 2015.